Re: Windows 95 Espionage ( ?? )

Heath I Hunnicutt (
Wed, 7 Jun 1995 09:22:48 GMT

George Mullins <> writes:

>But the registration card only asks for the type of applications that
>you run.  The registration wizard sends a complete directory listing
>and you only get the choice of either using the registration wizard or
>not, not what specific information it is sending.  It doesn't even
>inform the user that is will be sending a directory listing to

Your first point is incorrect.

The Wizard says: "You can send information concerning your system's
configuration files."  You can choose Yes or No, and no default choice
is made for you.  You must decide.  If you choose yes, your config.sys,
autoexec.bat, system.ini, and win.ini are sent.

The wizard then says: "Do you wish to send information concerning
applications installed on your computer?"  Again, you have to make
the choice.  If you choose yes, a directory tree is sent.

Even if you choose 'No' in response to both questions, the Wizard will
complete the registration and not send that information.  Note that the
directory tree is included in the second question.

So, one is forced to wonder:  Why are you making these claims when you
obviously haven't researched them?

Beyond that:  Why don't people remove this thread from bugtraq?


P.S.  The questions quoted above are from memory only, and are not
verbatim wordings.